Oh my sweet boy! I’m not sure how you are turning {ONE}! This last year has been nothing short of amazing. I’ll be honest before I got pregnant with you I wasn’t sure I could handle two kids especially a boy. But life would not be complete without you here.
You are such a determined, dirt loving boy. When you put your mind to something you achieve it, like how you started crawling at seven months and walking at ten months. You are so intrigued with how things go together; always pulling them apart, and figuring out how things work. You can open doors, our safety locked cabinets don’t stand a chance, and you climb everything and anything. The cat posts are no longer for the cats.
You love animals. You never miss a chance to point out an animal to us and always want to pet them. You seem to have this special relationship with our cat, Tali, because no matter how many times you hit her back instead of petting or pull her hair she keeps coming back to you for more.
You love the outdoors! Even in this horrible heat you would prefer to be outside playing. You love dirt, rocks, and water. If we need to find you outside just look to where one of those three are and chances are you’ll be there happily playing away.
You say mama and dada. You say Tal Tal (tali’s nickname) and there’s other words we think you’ve said like cheese and hi. Can you tell we take a lot of photos? haha
You’ve gotten much better at eating food. I’m still not sure how much you are really eating versus wearing. You love puffs, rice, life cereal, and veggie sticks. You’re willing to try almost anything and usually are asking for whatever it is I am eating.
You have five teeth. They have all been nightmares coming in.
But you are Mr. Smiley and give the best open mouth kisses when asked. You love to give mama hugs. You run to the door when dad walks in from work. And follow your sister around all day long!
You weigh almost 28 lbs and are wearing 18 month and 2T clothes.
When I was trying to come up with an idea for what to do for your first birthday photos I knew I wanted something that was outdoorsy because of how much you love it. After searching for ideas for what seemed like ever I finally came across a post about “baby bears and camping” and knew it was meant to be. Our hashtag for you has always been #finnthebearcub, your room is decorated with bears and outdoor things, and you love the outdoors! We escaped up the mountain for a half day trip out of the heat to take your first birthday photos and it was a blast. Everyone enjoyed the cooler weather and running around outside.
Happy 1st Birthday Finley bear! We love you so much and can’t imagine life without you here!